A2 & B1
Elementary Grades 4-6
GESE is a UK government-approved test for settlement and visa application purposes when taken at a Trinity SELT Centre.
If you are preparing for GESE as a Secure English Language Test (SELT) for visa purposes in the UK, please visit UK visa tests.
The Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)
Initial Grades 1-3 (5-7mintutes)
Elementary Grades 4-6 (10 minutes)
-Topic discussion
Intermediate Grades 7-9 (55minutes)
-Topic discussion
-Candidate-led discussion of Topic
Advanced Grades 10-12 (25 minutes)
-Listening task
-Interactive task
-Topic discussion
-Topic presentation
Examiner assesses the candidate's performance by awarding a letter grade A, B, C or D.
A - Distinction
B - Merit
C - Pass
D - Fail
Students can :
understand the main points of clear speech on familiar matters
enter into conversation, express personal opinions and exchange information on familiar subjects of personal interest or related to everyday life
demonstrate a sufficient range of language to describe experiences and events and give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans
Personal interest
Students can choose any topic they like, but it is best to choose a topic that they are interested in and have some personal involvement with.
Best friend
Students are expected to take part in the topic discussion by asking and answering questions about their topic. At Grades 5 and 6, students are also asked to make comments, give reasons and explanations.
How many questions should students ask in the Topic discussion?
At least one
Students must bring a completed topic form into the exam room.
Students should:
be familiar with the six subject areas for the conversation
listen and respond to the examiner's questions
tell the examiner their views
ask the examiner a question (s)
Language functions